Blogging & Copywriting

As part of Hairy Goat Design’s ongoing SEO and brand marketing strategies we regularly write articles which are tailored to our clients needs. These articles are great methods of providing information and advice, improving search engine rankings, increasing click backs and click-through rates and creating a holistic brand awareness with your potential customers. Our articles are full of keyword-rich text and are written in such a way to inform and encourage readers to click through to your blog or website, to view galleries and find more info.

Not only do we provide copy for blogging and articles, we also write copy for whole websites. This can help to give your website a full, rounded and balanced overall feel and promote professionalism. Take a look at some of our blogs and websites to see our copy writing skills in action.

Our experienced writers ensure that each element of our blogging and article writing service combines to promote your brand properly and communicates in the professional way it should.